The Regal Twelve by Alexia Sinclair

Christina of Sweden - The Androgynous Queen (1626 – 1689)

This is an absolutely incredible digital art series by Alexia Sinclair. Here's an excerpt from her site explaining the series:

"Alexia Sinclair’s The Regal Twelve is a series that combines hundreds of photographic elements and illustrations to form complex digitally montaged artworks. The series portrays twelve European monarchs who have ruled supreme and whose lives span over two millennia. Through the study of history and portraiture, a series of contrasting regals formed, whose stories are revealed within each artwork. Travelling to Europe to photograph a host of regal backdrops, Sinclair returned to Australia to photograph models and props in the studio. Like pieces from a jigsaw puzzle, she meticulously stitched together each element, along with a myriad of delicious symbols and motifs relating to each monarch."

To read more on the series, click here. I also look forward to The Royal Dozen series, which features a series of 12 monarchs.

Catherine the Great - The Enlightened Empress (1729–1796)

Eleanor of Aquitaine - The Eagle (1122 – 1204)

Marie Antoinette - The extravagant Queen (1755-1793)

Elizabeth Báthory – The Countess of Blood (1560-1614)

Agrippina - The Poisoness (AD 15-59)

Elizabeth I – The Virgin Queen (1533-1603)

Isabella of Spain - The Catholic (1451 – 1504)

Olympias - The Sorceress (376 BC – 316 BC)

Alexandra Romanov – The last Czarina of Russia (1872-1918)

Boudica – The Celtic Queen. (AD 26 - 61)

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

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