Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

I am a huge fan of Michael Ostermann's digital art illustrations. Each one sucks you into a surreal alternate world. Here is how he describes his process:

"Every project is different; in both needs and approach, he usually likes to start with a good photograph, a good idea that sets the mood of the overall image. He then applies his self-made resources and uses several photo-manipulation techniques, seeing where it leads."

Check out his Blog, Portfolio, and Twitter account to keep up with his amazing work.

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Surreal Digital Art Illustrations by Michael Ostermann

Average: 5 (5 votes)

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