
How to Turn a Mediocre Photo Into a Good One

This is a hilarious image explaining how to make your mediocre photo into one people will like. I've seen plenty enough examples of this to know it is true. If you are a Tumblr or image sharing site user, you've seen this a million times.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Eureka Tower Carpark Signs by Axel Peemoeller

These creative signs were create by Axel Peemoeller for the Eureka Tower Carpark in Melbourne, Australia. The letters are distorted but can be read perfectly when read at the right position. This work won several international design awards. To see some more cool signs/symbols, visit Notcot.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Letter A Typography by Christof Gassner

In this design, designer Christof Gassner uses various typographic sets of the letter A along with the Gestalt principle to form a larger A.

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Make Your Own Path Poster by Doug Wilson

Doug Wilson takes the meaning of a map and turns it on its head. Instead of using a map your way, he instead gives the message of creating your own path. You can find more of Doug Wilson's work here.

Average: 3 (1 vote)

Earth Air Fire Water Ambigram by John Langdon

This sweet ambigram looks the same forwards, backwards, top down and upside down. Read an interview with designer John Langdon about the process of creating one here.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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