DELICIOUS! Fashion Shoot on Working Class Magazine

Nice fashion collage using a watermelon color pallete.

DELICIOUS! is a great fashion photo set on Working Class Magazine's The Summer of Love: Issue VIII. To see the designers featured in these pictures please visit the magazine's post.

A great use of yellow in this photo to evoke hapiness.A great use of yellow in this photo to evoke hapiness.

There's a nice vintage feel to this beach series.There's a nice vintage feel to this beach series.

The signature of Coney Island - Nathan's.The signature of Coney Island - Nathan's

Many colors are used in this set, but somehow it stays controlled.Many colors are used in this set, but somehow it stays controlled.

This is what memories are made of.This is what memories are made of.

Art Direction and Styling: Kylie Fife and Jessica Soga
Hair/Makeup By Virginia Bradley Linzee
Models: Brett and Mary Kate at ORB Model Management
Photography by Jamie Beck

Fashion Designers: 
Average: 4 (1 vote)

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