Malibu Dreaming by Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg

Jaime Beck aand Kevin Burg, of cinemagraph fame, teamed up with Kelly Framel, aka Glamourai, and designer Kelly Wearstler to create this amazing series.

Here's what Kelly had to say about the shoot:

"For five days in Malibu, I lived in a dream. I found myself in a dream house, in a dream world, working with the caliber of collaborators i’d always dreamed I’d meet. We had free reign of an aesthetic surreality, to play dress up and make as many pictures as we pleased. We basked in the sun, we binged on bluesy tunes, we supped on champagne and we revisited the videos that inundated our adolescences. We swung on the swings and spun our feet in the sea. We got so unbelievably inspired, in love with the moment. Here begins the series of work that ensued:"

For more amazing cinemagraphs from this shoot, check them out on Jamie and Kevin's site. Otherwise, enjoy the stills below.

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