BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya


we control all and
we are all controlled
this is life
lived everyday

We only realize the true value of the things in the moment of losing them, though they were always there.


In Tomohide Ikeya's spectacular BREATH series, he puts on display something we take for granted every day of our lives: breathing. By putting people under water, he creates the bubbles on display in many of these photos, which can be seen as a representation of our need to breath.

BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya

BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya

BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya

BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya

BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya

BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya

BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya

BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya

BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya

BREATH by Tomohide Ikeya

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

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