Facebook Inspiration Roundup 76

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Burj Khalifa Opening Ceremony by Henzelle

Welcome to the seventy-sixth Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the images to see credits. Enjoy!

Average: 2.5 (2 votes)

Sign Up and Commenting

If you would like to sign-up for an account to post or comment please send me an e-mail at kevin@whodesignedit.net. Spam bots have caused me to close registration and commenting. Thanks.

Average: 3.5 (4 votes)

Facebook Inspiration Roundup 75

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The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Michel Assaad

Welcome to the seventy-fifth Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the images to see credits. Enjoy!

Average: 3.5 (6 votes)

Facebook Inspiration Roundup 74

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Photo by Sebastien Kunert

Welcome to the seventy-fourth Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the images to see credits. Enjoy!


Average: 3.2 (11 votes)

Facebook Inspiration Roundup 73

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From the River by Javier de la Torre

Welcome to the seventy-third Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the images to see credits. Enjoy!


Average: 3.2 (5 votes)

Facebook Inspiration Roundup 72

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After Control by Vincent Bourilhon

Welcome to the seventy-second Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the images to see credits. Enjoy!

Average: 4 (4 votes)

Facebook Inspiration Roundup 71

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Cenote - Quintana Roo, Mexico by James R.D. Scott

Welcome to the seventy-first Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the images to see credits. Enjoy!

Average: 3 (2 votes)

Facebook Inspiration Roundup 70

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Retro style childrens' shot by Juneberry Photo

Welcome to the seventieth Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the images to see credits. Enjoy!

Average: 3.7 (14 votes)

Facebook Inspiration Roundup 69

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Toby the Adorable Corgi

Welcome to the sixty-ninth Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the images to see credits. Enjoy!


Average: 3.7 (10 votes)

Facebook Inspiration Roundup 68

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Splashing by Shikhei Goh

Welcome to the sixty-eighth Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the images to see credits. Enjoy!

Average: 5 (1 vote)


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