Welcome to the eighth Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the image to see more photos. Enjoy!
Welcome to the seventh Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the image to see more photos. Enjoy!
Welcome to the sixth Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the image to see more photos. Enjoy!
Welcome to the fifth Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the image to see more photos. Enjoy!
Welcome to the fourth Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the image to see more photos. Enjoy!
Welcome to the third Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the things you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the image to see more photos. Enjoy!
Welcome to the second Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the posts you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the image to see more photos. Enjoy!
Welcome to the first Facebook inspiration roundup. Here we'll post just a few of the posts you are missing if you aren't following Who Designed It? on Facebook. Click on the image to see more photos. Enjoy!
Loving the serene landscapes and calmness of Jeffry Surianto's photos. He has a great eye for spotting beautiful landscapes and capturing people in their element. I like how he captures people in the moment as opposed to staging them. It gives the photos a more genuine feel.
The above image is a compilation of all the 2010 Vogue covers from around the world compiled into one image. A noticeable trend among many of the Vogue covers is a light skinned, dark haired woman centered on the cover. The more experimental covers come from Vogue Italia and Paris, which also happen to create a much more interesting compilation pattern. To see the individual covers of each country and the image they compose, visit shrubrub's Live Journal post.