
Vogue Covers 2010

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The above image is a compilation of all the 2010 Vogue covers from around the world compiled into one image. A noticeable trend among many of the Vogue covers is a light skinned, dark haired woman centered on the cover. The more experimental covers come from Vogue Italia and Paris, which also happen to create a much more interesting compilation pattern. To see the individual covers of each country and the image they compose, visit shrubrub's Live Journal post.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

Makeup and Beauty Photography by Daniela Glunz

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There's something intriguing about these beauty shots by German born freelance photographer  Daniela Glunz. It's probably the fact that the makeup is so overdone that it is more like expressionist art than true makeup. Bright colors, glitter, paint, and powder are all used to create these interesting shots. If you like these, make sure to check out some more of her work here.

Average: 4.8 (6 votes)

The Avant Garde Hair Stylings of Arnostyle

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Every industry has its unsung heroes. They are recognized and celebrated by their peers, but are relatively unknown to the rest of the world. One of those jobs in the fashion industry is hairstyling. Let me now introduce you to a master of hairstyling: Arnostyle. Arnostyle creates crazy, outrageous, and amazingly interesting hairstyles for fashion shots. If you like these, check out the rest here.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

Sweet Website - The Neo-Traditionalist by Katie Armour

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Loving the Neo-Traditionalist curated by Katie Armour. Her site features some neat posts on fashion and design. The pictures above are from her posts: Anne Hathaway on Elle UKBryce Dallas Howard for Kate Spade, Natalie Wood in NY, and Emma Waston. You can also follow her site of Facebook and Twitter.

Average: 1.6 (5 votes)

Dolls from Fashion Week 2010 by Andrew Yang

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This is a ridiculous set of dolls created by Andrew Yang from Fashion Week 2010. One of the cool things about these dolls is each one had a story to them. Another interesting thing about these dolls is the materials for them were collected from everywhere. There were materials he already had, materials from fabric stores, and even materials from dollar stores. To check out more of these dolls, check out his Flickr set.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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