
Vogue Covers 2010

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The above image is a compilation of all the 2010 Vogue covers from around the world compiled into one image. A noticeable trend among many of the Vogue covers is a light skinned, dark haired woman centered on the cover. The more experimental covers come from Vogue Italia and Paris, which also happen to create a much more interesting compilation pattern. To see the individual covers of each country and the image they compose, visit shrubrub's Live Journal post.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

Venice Carnival by Suchet Suwanmongkol

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The Carnival of Venice is easily the one of the most elaborate and elegant festivals around the world. Around 30k visitors go to Venice for each day for Carnivals. It is only right that someone properly capture such elegance and splendor, and that is exactly what Suchet Suwanmongkol has done.Each of his photos captures the colorful and elaborate costumes on display during Carnival. I also highly recommend checking out his other galleries.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Dolls from Fashion Week 2010 by Andrew Yang

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This is a ridiculous set of dolls created by Andrew Yang from Fashion Week 2010. One of the cool things about these dolls is each one had a story to them. Another interesting thing about these dolls is the materials for them were collected from everywhere. There were materials he already had, materials from fabric stores, and even materials from dollar stores. To check out more of these dolls, check out his Flickr set.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Fashion Photo Retouching by M Seth Jones

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Here's some great fashion photo retouching by M Seth Jones. He does a great job of creating more dynamic images out of the photos without overly touching them up. Here is how he describes his images:

"In these selected images, you can witness first hand the impact that retouching has the potential to make on a single image. Every image presented to me has an ideal state, that I'm attempting to reach; retouch is so completely subjective, that it is likely that no two retouchers will approach an image in the same manner, or reach the same finished outcome. At this stage, it's clear to see that retouching, at least the way I approach it, is not so much about tapering necklines and re-sculpting facial structure; but rather, sculpting light, and the way it falls on the subject, as well as clarifying the distinctions between the individual colours of the image's palette. This ensures that every element sits harmoniously within the final frame, enabling that ideal state to be presented to the viewer with little-to-no visual distractions."

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Paintings by Valérie Maugeri

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Valérie Maugeri is a self taught artist. Instead of attending school to fine tune her skills, she learned and grew through observation and practice. Her painting style makes use of collage, warm colors, patterns and strong use of details.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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