
Serene Photography by Jeffry Surianto

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Loving the serene landscapes and calmness of Jeffry Surianto's photos. He has a great eye for spotting beautiful landscapes and capturing people in their element. I like how he captures people in the moment as opposed to staging them. It gives the photos a more genuine feel.

Average: 4 (2 votes)

Beautiful Landscape and Urban Photography by Jens Fersterra

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Jens Fersterra has an impressive eye for photography. Every photo makes me want to jump in and start exploring. He doesn't just capture a scene, he gives each one a life of its own.

Average: 3 (4 votes)

Makeup and Beauty Photography by Daniela Glunz

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There's something intriguing about these beauty shots by German born freelance photographer  Daniela Glunz. It's probably the fact that the makeup is so overdone that it is more like expressionist art than true makeup. Bright colors, glitter, paint, and powder are all used to create these interesting shots. If you like these, make sure to check out some more of her work here.

Average: 4.8 (6 votes)

Nowhere by Michel Rajkovic

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Solitude is a funny thing. It can either make you feel alone or it can give you strength and a needed break. This series, entitled Nowhere by Michel Rajkovic perfectly captures this state of solitude. Each photo brings you into a world void of everything but the subject in focus. The use of black and white helps accentuate the subject and make everything around it seem barren.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Star Wars Toy Art by Vesa Lehtimäki (Avanaut)

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Vesa Lehtimäki, aka Avanaut on Flickr, has created some pretty fabulous works of art out of his childrens' Star Wars toys. He has created some creative and very well thought out shots from the toys. He even has a book coming out, Lego on Hoth, which imagines what everyday life on the planet Hoth.

Average: 4.8 (4 votes)

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