
Victoria's Secret Valentine's Day 2011

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Wow. Victoria's Secret Valentine's Day 2011 line tribute. Lily Aldridge, Erin Heatherton, Adriana Lima and  Candice Swanepoel looking incredible.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

Conceptual Photography and Art by Julie de Waroquier

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Julie de Waroquier's work has a whimsical fantasy like feel to them. Each one has the ability to grab you and pull you into its own world. She uses a great sense of color, compostion and subject matter to create a unique and breathtaking style.

Average: 3.8 (4 votes)

Conceptual Photography and Art by Julie de Waroquier

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Julie de Waroquier's work has a whimsical fantasy like feel to them. Each one has the ability to grab you and pull you into its own world. She uses a great sense of color, compostion and subject matter to create a unique and breathtaking style.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

The Avant Garde Hair Stylings of Arnostyle

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Every industry has its unsung heroes. They are recognized and celebrated by their peers, but are relatively unknown to the rest of the world. One of those jobs in the fashion industry is hairstyling. Let me now introduce you to a master of hairstyling: Arnostyle. Arnostyle creates crazy, outrageous, and amazingly interesting hairstyles for fashion shots. If you like these, check out the rest here.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

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