pop culture

Relentlessly Cheerful Art by James Hance

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James Hance is an incredibly talented character artist and painter. His art features a wide range of Stars Wars, Muppets, celebrity and pop culture references.

Here's an exerpt from his website explaining his three distinct styles:"James appears to have three styles of painting, extremely expressive such as in one of a few depictions of Heath Ledger in the role of Joker, highly painterly in pieces such as his Starwars influenced tribute to the classic Hitchcock thriller North by Northwest and photorealistic "digitally enhanced" paintings such as The Gentle Sith. There are plenty of in-jokes in Hance's portfolio, and it does, from time to time, veer close to socio-cultural comment such as his hauntingly disturbing piece entitled 'Music and Me'."

James features his work at Artbreak, where you can purchase some of his amazing paintings and prints. If you enjoy his work, you can follow his art and updates on Twitter and Facebook.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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