
Happy Easter from Kate by LOVE

Holy smokes! Thank you Love for posting the best Easter tribute I've ever seen. Featuring Kate Upton.

Your rating: None Average: 5 (1 vote)

The Light of Tiffany by Jamie Beck & Kevin Burg

The Light of Tiffany from From Me To You on Vimeo.

Jewelry provided by Tiffany & Co.
Directed by Jamie Beck & Kevin Burg
Cinematography by Jamie Beck & Kevin Burg
Styling by Kelly Framel
Postproduction by think/feel
Music "Knewyouwell" by Cultfever
Your rating: None Average: 4 (1 vote)

L'Odyssée de Cartier by Bruno Aveillan

"Discover the new Cartier film, a journey between dream and reality. For the very first time, Cartier has decided to create a cinema epic focusing on its history, its values and inspiration, its artistic and universal scope."

L'Odyssée de Cartier directed by: Bruno Aveillan

Your rating: None Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

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