Interesting Photography by Kevin Saint Grey (primer)

bird on a wire

I absolutely love the photography of Kevin Saint Grey. These are the most "interesting" photos according to Flickr. His user name there is primer. He has a great eye for minimalist, abstract, and black and white photos. Many of these would make fantastic prints.


the human gene resequencerthe human gene resequencer

superman threading the needlesuperman threading the needle

evaporate into infinityevaporate into infinity


study 001study 001

tall buildings shaketall buildings shake


this bleeding citythis bleeding city

The Hummingbird (Pete Turner emulation)The Hummingbird (Pete Turner emulation)

throw Alderman out of the corner office windowthrow Alderman out of the corner office window

doing linesdoing lines

the eye is the soul to the windowsthe eye is the soul to the windows

black lines (don’t do it)black lines (don’t do it)

Blog Images: 
Average: 4.8 (4 votes)

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