Shooting Strangers in Orchard Road Photography by Danny Santos II

Danny Santos II is one of the most gifted amateur photographers I have ever had the pleasure of coming across. His photography taken at Orchard Road in Singapore is truly breathtaking. I'd like to introduce you to some of his great projects.

Portraits of Strangers

Portraits of Strangers by Danny Santos IIPortraits of Strangers by Danny Santos IIPortraits of Strangers by Danny Santos IIIn this series, Danny takes close up head shots of people with beautiful faces spotted along Orchard Road. Here's a post describing one of his stranger portratis.

Candid Street Portraits

Candid Street Portraits by Danny Santos IICandid Street Portraits by Danny Santos IICandid Street Portraits by Danny Santos IIIn this series, Danny takes candid urban portraits of women who stand out walking along Orchard Road. Here's an article of how he frames these shots.

5 Sec Faces

5 Sec Faces by Danny Santos II5 Sec Faces by Danny Santos IIThis project was done in collaboration with Fleecircus. They roamed Singapore with a makeshift background and looked for strangers with distict faces. Then they took the picture within seconds. You can read more about the project here.

Bad Weather

Bad Weather by Danny Santos IIBad Weather by Danny Santos IIBad Weather by Danny Santos IIThis is probably my favorite series. Danny explains it best. He says he used to stay home when it rained on the weekends, but eventually realized how rain can create interesting scenes. You can read some interesting stories about his rain photos here.

Women Being Beautiful

Women Being Beautiful by Danny Santos IIWomen Being Beautiful by Danny Santos IIHere's the description of the series by Danny, "From subtle mannerisms to blaring styles, women always have a way of being beautiful."

Street Scenes

Street Scenes by Danny Santos IIStreet Scenes by Danny Santos IIStreet Scenes by Danny Santos IIStreet Scenes by Danny Santos IIIn this series, Danny captures scenes on the street that would have otherwise have gone unnoticed. Here's an article explaining his first good street photo.

A Face in the Crowd

A Face in the Crowd by Danny Santos IIA Face in the Crowd by Danny Santos IITheseA Face in the Crowd by Danny Santos IIThese shots by Danny capture the one face that stands out in the middle of a busy crowd. This article explains his process for capturing these photos.

City Strollers

City Strollers by Danny Santos IICity Strollers by Danny Santos IICity Strollers by Danny Santos IIIn this series, Danny captures full-body shots of people strolling along Orchard Road. In this article, he explains some of his shots and what he sees when he takes them.

This concludes the round up of Danny Santos II's street photography on Orchard Road. If you enjoyed these photos, I highly reccomend checking out his blog and reading up on his work. You should also join his Facebook group for future updates.

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