
Exceptional Minecraft Creations

You've probably seen some cool Minecraft creations before, but some of these take the cake. From King's Landing from Game of Thrones to Minas Tirith from Lord of the Rings to a giant My Little Pony Pixel art piece. There's something for everyone.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Motion in Air by Mike Campau

"This series of images freezes a moment of time in each dancer's aerial maneuver, and turns their movements into static sculptures that represents their motion and style. Original shots were stock photography and stylized to fit within the scene, sculptures and sets created entirely CGi." Art by Mike Campau

You can see the process he used at the bottom of this article.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Through the Clouds, Night by Jacob Ankney (Jeddaka)

Love this digital art mashup by Deviant Art user Jacob Ankney (Jeddaka). The mountains were rendered in 3D and blended with the starry night sky. It has a very calming and surreal feel to it.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

3d Architectural Kitchen Rendering by Fernando Di Gasperi

I still can't believe this a 3D rendering. Fernando Di Gasperi creates some truly inspiring work.

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