Incredible Illustrative Art by Brittney Lee

I am absolutely floored by the illustrative art of Brittney Lee. All of her illustrations look like they were plucked straight out of a Disney animated movie. From the character and background illustrations, to the details and colors, everything matches the quality of the most impressive Disney animation. She has even created some paper art that you can catch at the bottom! If you like her work, I highly suggest purchasing something from her Etsy store.

Incredible Illustrative Art by Brittney Lee

Incredible Illustrative Art by Brittney Lee

Incredible Illustrative Art by Brittney Lee

Incredible Illustrative Art by Brittney Lee

Incredible Illustrative Art by Brittney Lee

Incredible Illustrative Art by Brittney Lee

Incredible Illustrative Art by Brittney Lee

Incredible Illustrative Art by Brittney Lee

Incredible Illustrative Art by Brittney Lee

Average: 5 (2 votes)

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