
Surreal Storytelling Portraits by Nicholas Scarpinato

Nicholas Scarpinato likes to take pictures that tell a story. Each piece begins with a single capture, but he uses the creative process to expand upon it and create these beautifully surreal scenes. Scarpinato describes his photos as "a secret that is waiting to be unearthed". If these are any clue, I hope he will uncover a lot more secrets for us.

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Sleeping Beauty Concept Art by Eyvind Earle

To this day, Sleeping Beauty is one of the greatest animated movies ever made. The epic fight scene between Prince Phillip and Maleficent at the end of the movie is one of the darkest and most intense ever produced by Disney. Eyvind Earle was responsible for the styling and background of the movie, and without his vision the movie might not have been the same. Here are some of his gorgeous concept art stills from the finale.

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Photorealistic Paintings by Richard Estes

Richard Estes is an American artist best known for his photo-realist paintings. They often consist of clean inatimate scenes of cities. He is widely regarded as one of the founders of the photorealist movement of the 1960's. His paintings make you realize how even the mundane things in life can be quite beautiful.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

Colorful Fantasies by Patrick Monkel

Some sweet work by Dutch graphic designer Patrick Monkel. He makes great use of surreal elements and colorful effects to create some his fantasy worlds. Check out his Tumblr to see some of his design inspiration.

Average: 4 (4 votes)

Commander-in-Chief of Awesome by Jason Heuser (SharpWriter)

There is one thing all great presidents have in common: being a badass. Jason Heuser (SharpWriter on Deviant Art) perfectly portrays this concept in his awesome presidential portraits. This series has everything from fighting robots, zombies, and gorillas to riding a grizzly bear to victory. Make sure to check out his other paintings on Deviant Art, he some truly great work.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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