
Harry Potter Museum in London

Konstantin Shestakovsky took a trip to the Harry Potter Museum just outside of London and took these wonderful photos. The museum has everything from movie props, to costumes, to sets from the movie. These pictures give you just a small glimpse of what it took to make the Harry Potter World come to life. Now I really want to take a trip to London!

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Sleeping Beauty Concept Art by Eyvind Earle

To this day, Sleeping Beauty is one of the greatest animated movies ever made. The epic fight scene between Prince Phillip and Maleficent at the end of the movie is one of the darkest and most intense ever produced by Disney. Eyvind Earle was responsible for the styling and background of the movie, and without his vision the movie might not have been the same. Here are some of his gorgeous concept art stills from the finale.

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Realistic Movie Character Sculputures by Bobby Causey

Bobby Causey creates amazingly detailed and realistic sculptures of movie characters.His renditions are so detailed, you could easily mistake the sculpture for the real thing. I especially love his work on the Joker, almost looks too realistic.

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Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Even if you aren't a fan of Star Wars, you have to admit these posters by Olly Moss are damn cool. I love the character silhouettes and simple, yet illustrative, shapes used in these posters.This post also fulfills my nerd quota for the month.

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Average: 4 (3 votes)

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