
Character Alphabets by Mike BaBoon

What's not to love about these character alphabets by Mike BaBoon? One thing I did realize while looking at these is I don't know nearly as many characters' names as I thought I did. The shows/movies in order are: Sesame Street, Harry Potter, Dr. Seuss, The Muppets, The Simpsons, Pixar and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Not to be confused with Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles).

If you like these, you can buy prints on Society6.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

That's How! by Christoph Niemann

Love these illustrations by Christoph Niemann on how different things work. It shows  children how fun using your imagination can be. You can get That's How on Amazon!

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Wonderfully Colorful Illustrations by Shadow Chen

Shadow Chen aka Saltyshadow is a wonderful illustrator out of Ningbo, China. Her work incorporates liquid forms and bright colors. Each work draws you in and transports you to another world.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Gabriel Moreno is a gifted illustrator, engraver and painter based out of Madrid. His illustrations consist of a collage of elements and make excellent use of very defined lines which he uses to create depth, shading and shadows. The splash of water colors helps to bring an added touch of life to his drawings.

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Striking Illustrations by Gabriel Moreno

Average: 4.8 (5 votes)

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Even if you aren't a fan of Star Wars, you have to admit these posters by Olly Moss are damn cool. I love the character silhouettes and simple, yet illustrative, shapes used in these posters.This post also fulfills my nerd quota for the month.

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Average: 4 (3 votes)

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