
Realistic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Portraits by Dave Rapoza

It's been a while since I posted a something geeky. Here's a wonderful set of digital art portraits from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to make up for it. Dave Rapoza brought these characters to life using intricate textures and a superb attention to detail. He also has some portraits from Heman and Thundercats, so check out his portfolio!

Average: 2 (1 vote)

Custom Breaking Bad Figures by Trevor Grove

These amazing 12" custom figurines of Walter White from Breaking Bad were created by Trevor Grove of Slideshow Collectibles. He created the figures for Vince Gilligan, the creator of the show. If you watch the show, and you definitely should be, you'll notice the uncanny resembalance to Bryan Cranston's Walt/Heisenberg.

No votes yet

Just Like Us by Mike Mitchell

Mike Mitchell's fun series "Just Like Us" puts cute pop culture icons and puts them into fun everyday situations. What's not to like about a Magneto being covered in magnetic alphabet letters or Dubmo riding the Dumbo ride? You can see the full list of these great works at the Gallery1988 website. Which one is your favorite?

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Character Alphabets by Mike BaBoon

What's not to love about these character alphabets by Mike BaBoon? One thing I did realize while looking at these is I don't know nearly as many characters' names as I thought I did. The shows/movies in order are: Sesame Street, Harry Potter, Dr. Seuss, The Muppets, The Simpsons, Pixar and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Not to be confused with Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles).

If you like these, you can buy prints on Society6.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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