
Realistic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Portraits by Dave Rapoza

It's been a while since I posted a something geeky. Here's a wonderful set of digital art portraits from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to make up for it. Dave Rapoza brought these characters to life using intricate textures and a superb attention to detail. He also has some portraits from Heman and Thundercats, so check out his portfolio!

Average: 2 (1 vote)

Art Nouveau Disney Princesses by LadyAdler

Deviant Art user LadyAdler combined her obsessions of Alphonse Mucha, 50's style pin ups and Disney princesses to create this beautiful set of Art Nouveau illustrations. I love the flourishes and background elements in her work. They add a lot of depth and meaning to each piece.

If you like these, don't forget to check out the rest of her portfolio. It is chock full of more great stuff including original works.

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Custom Breaking Bad Figures by Trevor Grove

These amazing 12" custom figurines of Walter White from Breaking Bad were created by Trevor Grove of Slideshow Collectibles. He created the figures for Vince Gilligan, the creator of the show. If you watch the show, and you definitely should be, you'll notice the uncanny resembalance to Bryan Cranston's Walt/Heisenberg.

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Realistic Movie Character Sculputures by Bobby Causey

Bobby Causey creates amazingly detailed and realistic sculptures of movie characters.His renditions are so detailed, you could easily mistake the sculpture for the real thing. I especially love his work on the Joker, almost looks too realistic.

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