
Axe with Spine Carved Handle by Maskull Lasserre

This may be the coolest yet least usable axe ever created. Maskull Lasserre's project Secret Carpentry features a spine carved into the handle of the axe, making it too beautiful to use.

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World Ice Championships: Sculptures from a Single Block of Ice

Amazing sculptures from the World Ice Art Championships 2013. They are the world's largets ice sculpting competitions and are a month-long. The block here are sculptures made from a single block of ice!

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Fantastic Halloween Pumpkin Carvings by Ray Villafane

To celebrate the upcoming Halloween holiday, I present you with these unbelievable pumpkin carvings by Ray Villafane.

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Intricate Origami Paper Art by Cuong Nguyen

Cuong Nguyen is a master of origami art. Just take a look at some of these beautiful pieces!

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Giant Star Wars X-Wing Made of LEGOS by Erik Varszegi

Absolutely amazing life-sized Star Wars X-Wing made out of LEGOs by Master Builder  Erik Varszegi. It was built to promote the upcoming series The Yoda Chronicles. It is made of over 5 million individual LEGO bricks, is 11 ft tall, 43 ft long and 44 ft wide. It weighs almost 46k pounds.

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