
Custom Breaking Bad Figures by Trevor Grove

These amazing 12" custom figurines of Walter White from Breaking Bad were created by Trevor Grove of Slideshow Collectibles. He created the figures for Vince Gilligan, the creator of the show. If you watch the show, and you definitely should be, you'll notice the uncanny resembalance to Bryan Cranston's Walt/Heisenberg.

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Dirt is Good Sand Sculpture Advertisements by JOOheng Tan

JOOheng Tan was hired to build three amazing sand sculptures for an OMO washing detergent ad campaign. The three 18-ton sand sculptures were used as backdrops encouraging kids to get dirty.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Incredible Lego Colosseum by Ryan McNaught

Wow! That's all there is to say about Ryan McNaught's Lego Colosseum. The Certified Lego builder created this magnificent model out of 200,000 Lego bricks. Half is in its present day ruined form and the other half is the way it would have looked as originally built. It was made for the University of Sydney and is currently on view at the Nicholson Museum in Melbourne, Australia.

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Realistic Movie Character Sculputures by Bobby Causey

Bobby Causey creates amazingly detailed and realistic sculptures of movie characters.His renditions are so detailed, you could easily mistake the sculpture for the real thing. I especially love his work on the Joker, almost looks too realistic.

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Mountains Made From Books by Guy Laramee

Guy Laramee creates these amazing mountain carvings from old books.

"The erosion of cultures – and of “culture” as a whole - is the theme that runs through the last 25 years of my artistic practice. Cultures emerge, become obsolete, and are replaced by new ones. With the vanishing of cultures, some people are displaced and destroyed. We are currently told that the paper book is bound to die. The library, as a place, is finished. One might ask so what? Do we really believe that “new technologies” will change anything concerning our existential dilemma, our human condition? And even if we could change the content of all the books on earth, would this change anything in relation to the domination of analytical knowledge over intuitive knowledge? What is it in ourselves that insists on grabbing, on casting the flow of experience into concepts?"

If you want to learn more, read his full artist statement.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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