
The Empire State Building Made From Bicycle Tracks by Thomas Yang

Thomas Yang's Empire State Building prints are made from seven different types of bike tracks and is limited to only 100 copies. The series is a celebration of the rising bicycle culture in NYC.

Average: 3.2 (16 votes)

Cardboard Cities by Andy Rudak

Andy Rudak and his team took almost a year to research, plan, design and build amazing city shots made out of cardboard!

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From Cardboard to Ghost Ship in Five Days

This amazing sculpture was made entirely out of cardboard in five days! It was created for a "Halloween Party on Treasure Island."

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Fantastic Halloween Pumpkin Carvings by Ray Villafane

To celebrate the upcoming Halloween holiday, I present you with these unbelievable pumpkin carvings by Ray Villafane.

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Incredible Latte Art by Kazuki Yamamoto

Have you ever been pleasantly surprised when you look into your coffee cup and see something neat like a heart or flower made from the foam? Kazuki Yamamoto takes that to entirely new level. He made these amazing coffee art creations using a simple toothpick. This trend of latte art is common in Japan and hopefully it makes its way to us!

Average: 2 (1 vote)

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