
Cardboard Cities by Andy Rudak

Andy Rudak and his team took almost a year to research, plan, design and build amazing city shots made out of cardboard!

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Astronomy by Taylor Allen

Astronomy is a beautiful ongoing project by Taylor Allen that explores the human form and the organic formations of space. I look forward to seeing more in the future!

Average: 3.5 (2 votes)

Harry Potter Museum in London

Konstantin Shestakovsky took a trip to the Harry Potter Museum just outside of London and took these wonderful photos. The museum has everything from movie props, to costumes, to sets from the movie. These pictures give you just a small glimpse of what it took to make the Harry Potter World come to life. Now I really want to take a trip to London!

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Mountain Collage Art by Liesl Pfeffer

Summer Fjord

Liesl Pfeffer is a photo-media artist from Melbourne Australia. She has some very cool patchwork photo collages. I love the sharp deliberate use of straight edges used to represent the mountains and also the use of cut out photos of the sky and grass to help create the collages. You can find her on Blogger, Flickr, Twitter and Tumblr.

The Crystal Lake

The Mountains Wait

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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