
Visual Experiments by Matt Wisniewski

Matt Wisniewski is a web developer and self-taught artist based out of Brooklyn, NY. He has been using Photoshop since he was a child, and he loves to create visual experiments through collage. His art usually begins with a portrait, and he quickly combines textures until something catches his eye. If you want to learn more about his work, check out this great interview on Yatzer.

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Illustrations by Ross Mcewan

Ross Mcewan is an illustrator from London UK. His work combines beautiful illustrations of women with elements from nature.

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Double Exposure Paintings by Pakayla Biehn

If you like double exposure photography, you'll be sure to love these double exposure paintings by Pakayla Biehn. Biehn collaborates with multiple photographers to create these masterful re-creations. At first glance you might mistake them for photos. Her attention to details is amazing. For more, check the Double Exposure series on her site.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Mountain Collage Art by Liesl Pfeffer

Summer Fjord

Liesl Pfeffer is a photo-media artist from Melbourne Australia. She has some very cool patchwork photo collages. I love the sharp deliberate use of straight edges used to represent the mountains and also the use of cut out photos of the sky and grass to help create the collages. You can find her on Blogger, Flickr, Twitter and Tumblr.

The Crystal Lake

The Mountains Wait

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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