
Historical Figures in Modern Clothes by Yesterday

The history TV channel Yesterday commissioned these awesome portraits of historical figures in modern clothes to celebrate its new series the Secret Life Of... The artworks took three months to create and were made with the help of the award-winning academic author and historian Dr. Suzannah Lipscomb. She helped ensure the artworks accurately portrayed their historical counterparts. To read more about each piece, visit the Telegraph.

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Double Exposure Paintings by Pakayla Biehn

If you like double exposure photography, you'll be sure to love these double exposure paintings by Pakayla Biehn. Biehn collaborates with multiple photographers to create these masterful re-creations. At first glance you might mistake them for photos. Her attention to details is amazing. For more, check the Double Exposure series on her site.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Imaginawesome by Garrett Miller

If you ever have trouble figuring out what your child is drawing, you should employ the services of Garrett Miller. Miller re-creates childrens' drawings and puts the two side by side on his awesome blog Imaginawesome. I love the varying styles and great use of colors in his drawings, while also staying fairly true to the original drawings. 

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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