
Historical Figures in Modern Clothes by Yesterday

The history TV channel Yesterday commissioned these awesome portraits of historical figures in modern clothes to celebrate its new series the Secret Life Of... The artworks took three months to create and were made with the help of the award-winning academic author and historian Dr. Suzannah Lipscomb. She helped ensure the artworks accurately portrayed their historical counterparts. To read more about each piece, visit the Telegraph.

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Zoo Portraits by Yago Partal

Loving the dapper portraits of animals by Yago Partal. Yago creates great juxtaposition of wild animals and stylish outfits.There's everything from a tuxedoed wolf to a koala in a Hawaiian shirt.

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Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

These are some incredibly interesting cut-out portraits by Lucas C. Simões. He takes a seemingly normal portrait and transforms it into something completely unique and interesting. These cut-outs are made from the same stacked image and have up to 13 layers. I love the abstract geometric figures and shapes he has created with these portraits.

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Beast Mode by Helmo

This is a very interesting series by French design duo HELMO (Thomas Couderc and Clément Vauchez) called Bêtes de Mode. Each photo in the series combines a person in a bluish hue and an animal in a redish hue in synchronous poses.This combination gives the images the look of a 3D image without the glasses. I'm not sure if the animals were chosen for each person for a reason, but when they look this cool, I'm not sure that it matters.

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Average: 5 (4 votes)

Nerds 30 Rock Portraits by Andrew Salomone

I am loving these 30 Rock portraits by Andrew Salomone. They feature characters Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) and Jack Donaghy (Alec Baldwin), and the best part is, they are made of Nerds! I am absolutely certain that Liz would appreciate this fine tribute. If you haven't watched the show before, I highly suggest it.

Nerds 30 Rock Portraits by Andrew Salomone

Nerds 30 Rock Portraits by Andrew Salomone

Average: 5 (2 votes)

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