
Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

These are some incredibly interesting cut-out portraits by Lucas C. Simões. He takes a seemingly normal portrait and transforms it into something completely unique and interesting. These cut-outs are made from the same stacked image and have up to 13 layers. I love the abstract geometric figures and shapes he has created with these portraits.

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Cut-out Portraits by Lucas C. Simões

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Scratching the Surface Wall Art by Alexandre Farto aka Vhils

Alexandre Farto aka Vhils is a Portuguese street artist based in London. He has an amazing knack for creating large wall art pieces. His art stands out because they huge pieces that are created by playing with layers and textures to create the effect.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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