
Surreal Storytelling Portraits by Nicholas Scarpinato

Nicholas Scarpinato likes to take pictures that tell a story. Each piece begins with a single capture, but he uses the creative process to expand upon it and create these beautifully surreal scenes. Scarpinato describes his photos as "a secret that is waiting to be unearthed". If these are any clue, I hope he will uncover a lot more secrets for us.

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Visual Experiments by Matt Wisniewski

Matt Wisniewski is a web developer and self-taught artist based out of Brooklyn, NY. He has been using Photoshop since he was a child, and he loves to create visual experiments through collage. His art usually begins with a portrait, and he quickly combines textures until something catches his eye. If you want to learn more about his work, check out this great interview on Yatzer.

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Surreal Fantasies by Martin Waldbauer

Martin Waldbauer is a master of playful illusions. Each piece makes you do a double take, wondering if what you're seeing could be real. He says he's a total amateur, but I'm not buying it ;)

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Iconatomy by George Chamoun

George Chamoun has created some really cool photo collages of old and new Hollwood.Surprisngly, there was no morphing of the images to fit together. They are two photos that happen to align incredibly well. The pairs in order are: Natalie Portman/Audrey Hepburn, Angelina Jolie/Elizabeth Taylor, George Clooney/Cary Grant, Robert Pattinson/James Dean and Scarlett Johansson/Marilyn Monroe. There are some striking similarities in their likenesses and poses. 

Average: 4 (1 vote)

La Danza by Hamish Blakely

Hamish Blakely perfectly captures the poses, emotions, and idiosyncrasies of dancing in his series La Danza. I love the detailed outifts, color choices, and the variety of moves he captures. He also has a nice series featuring The Roaring Twenties.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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