
Iconatomy by George Chamoun

George Chamoun has created some really cool photo collages of old and new Hollwood.Surprisngly, there was no morphing of the images to fit together. They are two photos that happen to align incredibly well. The pairs in order are: Natalie Portman/Audrey Hepburn, Angelina Jolie/Elizabeth Taylor, George Clooney/Cary Grant, Robert Pattinson/James Dean and Scarlett Johansson/Marilyn Monroe. There are some striking similarities in their likenesses and poses. 

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Be a Kid Again by Tarik Mikou

Have you ever had the urge to relive childhood and color a coloring book? Tarik Mikou has taken that idea and has given it the grown up treatment with this series "Be a Kid Again". Tarik takes black and white photos of iconic celebrities and colors them to his liking, giving us this fun and interesting series.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Historically Hardcore by Jenny Burrows and Matt Kappler

This is an awesome set by  Jenny Burrows and Matt Kappler entitled Historically Hardcore. It takes the relatively hardcore feats of current celebrities and compares them to the true bad-assery of historical figures. This campaign became so viral, Jenny had to remove the Smithsonian logos from the work due to them not being affiliated with the museum. You can read more about it on her blog.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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