
Superhero Noir Posters by Marko Manev

Marko Manev's superhero noir series takes your favorite superheros and puts them into a scene straight from a film noir movie. I love the look of the heroes against dark silhouettes instead of their normally bright and colorful costumes. It definitely gives them a beautiful edgy feel.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Historically Hardcore by Jenny Burrows and Matt Kappler

This is an awesome set by  Jenny Burrows and Matt Kappler entitled Historically Hardcore. It takes the relatively hardcore feats of current celebrities and compares them to the true bad-assery of historical figures. This campaign became so viral, Jenny had to remove the Smithsonian logos from the work due to them not being affiliated with the museum. You can read more about it on her blog.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Here's another great series by Moxy Creative. This time it's mixed drinks that represent different movies. Check out the rest here.

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Even if you aren't a fan of Star Wars, you have to admit these posters by Olly Moss are damn cool. I love the character silhouettes and simple, yet illustrative, shapes used in these posters.This post also fulfills my nerd quota for the month.

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Average: 4 (3 votes)

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