graphic design

New York City Metro Cards Re-imagined by Melanie Chernock

The yellow MetroCard is a staple of New York City, but if Melanie Chernock had her way, she would give it a major uplift. Her vision is creating MetroCards for different NYC neighborhoods and attractions. She wants to create around fifty of them and place them around the city as a promotional campaign. The designs are all hand made, unique, and representative of different aspects of the city. Check out more details about this awesome project on Fast Co Design!

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Cereal Couture by Tricia Clarke-Stone

Tricia Clarke-Stone (aka The Glam Foodie) of Sip, Chat, Chow gives us a look at what high end breakfast cereals would look like. I love the use of play on words and fun designs.

"It was inspired by my love of fashion, style and amazing food. I wanted to take something we all crave and give it a luxury lift. This tasty, chic collection gives a high-end, glam aesthetic to our favorite breakfast treats."

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

Historically Hardcore by Jenny Burrows and Matt Kappler

This is an awesome set by  Jenny Burrows and Matt Kappler entitled Historically Hardcore. It takes the relatively hardcore feats of current celebrities and compares them to the true bad-assery of historical figures. This campaign became so viral, Jenny had to remove the Smithsonian logos from the work due to them not being affiliated with the museum. You can read more about it on her blog.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Loving the energy of these digital art works by IK-YD (Natanaël Iabakidy). The compositions are interesting and have a clear focus, and each one has the perfect mix of color, shapes, textures, and photographic elements. 

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Digital Artwork by IK-YD

Average: 2.9 (7 votes)

I Wanna Be the Very Best Pokemon Designs by Alexander Quinn

Loving the reworked interface designs of the classic Pokémon games by Alexander Quinn. He got some old figurines, photographed them in familiar poses and added fresh interfaces to them.

Average: 5 (2 votes)

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