product design

The Queen Palette by Pantone and Leo Burnett

If you liked Queen Elizabeth II of England's awesome rainbow color chart by Vogue, you'll definitely enjoy this collaboration by Pantone and Leo Burnett London. The two collaborated on this fantastic limited edition Pantone book of the Queen's outfits in celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, which honors 60 years since her cornation. The guide is numbered with PANTONE colors and has a reference to the date and location of each outfit.

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Mad Men Barbie Dolls by Robert Best

In honor of the upcoming premiere of Mad Men Season 5, I present you with these awesome Mad Men Barbie Dolls. The dolls, featuring Don Draper, Betty Draper, Joan Holloway, and Roger Sterling, were designed by Robert Best with the help of Mad Men creator Matt Weiner and show designer Janine Bryant. They are also the first in the Barbie Fashion Model Collection. Learn more about these dolls in an interview with Robert Best.

If you want, you can buy these dolls on Barbie collector.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Squidarella Color Changing Umbrella by SquidLondon

I absolutely love this idea and am surprised no one has come up with it before. The Squidarella umbrella by SquidLondon turns your boring black and white umbrella to color when it comes in contact with water. I would totally get one if I could justify a $38 umbrella on URBANtrim. You can also get it at SquidLondon's shop.

You should also check out the SquidLondon color changing rainwear:

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Cereal Couture by Tricia Clarke-Stone

Tricia Clarke-Stone (aka The Glam Foodie) of Sip, Chat, Chow gives us a look at what high end breakfast cereals would look like. I love the use of play on words and fun designs.

"It was inspired by my love of fashion, style and amazing food. I wanted to take something we all crave and give it a luxury lift. This tasty, chic collection gives a high-end, glam aesthetic to our favorite breakfast treats."

Average: 3.3 (3 votes)

That's How! by Christoph Niemann

Love these illustrations by Christoph Niemann on how different things work. It shows  children how fun using your imagination can be. You can get That's How on Amazon!

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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