
Disney Rotoscopes and Their Live Counterparts

Check out these awesome images of Disney animation rotoscopes and their real-life model counterparts. The gallery was compiled by Redditor jamieleto.

Average: 2 (3 votes)

Sick Pop Culture Paintings by Vlad Rodriguez aka Pixeldomestiko

Vlad aka Pixeldomestiko is a creative director living in Miami, FL who studied art in Peru and Brazil. He uses a mixture of modern and classical art styles in his work. He also happens to be the genius behind this epic collection of movie and pop culture paintings. His subject matter ranges from The Walking Dead to Back to the Future. Can you name all the ones here?

P.S. You can buy some of his art here.

No votes yet

Just Like Us by Mike Mitchell

Mike Mitchell's fun series "Just Like Us" puts cute pop culture icons and puts them into fun everyday situations. What's not to like about a Magneto being covered in magnetic alphabet letters or Dubmo riding the Dumbo ride? You can see the full list of these great works at the Gallery1988 website. Which one is your favorite?

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Character Alphabets by Mike BaBoon

What's not to love about these character alphabets by Mike BaBoon? One thing I did realize while looking at these is I don't know nearly as many characters' names as I thought I did. The shows/movies in order are: Sesame Street, Harry Potter, Dr. Seuss, The Muppets, The Simpsons, Pixar and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Not to be confused with Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles).

If you like these, you can buy prints on Society6.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Here's another great series by Moxy Creative. This time it's mixed drinks that represent different movies. Check out the rest here.

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Mixed Reviews by Moxy Creative House

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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