
Hand-cut Paper Art by Joe Bagley

Wow! That's what comes to mind when you see the hand-cut paper art of Joe Bagley. Each design is hand-cut from a single piece of black paper and mounted to an acid-free white mat board. The intricacy and details of each design are astounding. If you want one, you can buy one of his designs on Etsy.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Double Exposure Paintings by Pakayla Biehn

If you like double exposure photography, you'll be sure to love these double exposure paintings by Pakayla Biehn. Biehn collaborates with multiple photographers to create these masterful re-creations. At first glance you might mistake them for photos. Her attention to details is amazing. For more, check the Double Exposure series on her site.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Even if you aren't a fan of Star Wars, you have to admit these posters by Olly Moss are damn cool. I love the character silhouettes and simple, yet illustrative, shapes used in these posters.This post also fulfills my nerd quota for the month.

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Star Wars Posters by Olly Moss

Average: 4 (3 votes)

Thank me later poster design by Maxime Quoilin

A simple yet beautiful and elegant poster design by Maxime QuoilinSimple yet beautiful and elegant poster designs by Maxime QuoilinThis is a wonderful set of posters by Maxime Quoilin. He does a beautiful job of combining two separate poses into one fluent and elegant, yet simple, design.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)

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