
Beautiful Scratchboard Illustrations by Ricardo Martinez

Ricardo Martinez's beautiful scratchboard illustrations are highly stylized and extensively detailed, which leads to some very eye-catching work.

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Hand-cut Paper Art by Joe Bagley

Wow! That's what comes to mind when you see the hand-cut paper art of Joe Bagley. Each design is hand-cut from a single piece of black paper and mounted to an acid-free white mat board. The intricacy and details of each design are astounding. If you want one, you can buy one of his designs on Etsy.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe by Craig Alan

Some amazing portraits of of Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe by Craig Alan. He created these portraits by depicting tiny figures gathering together in the shape of the famous movie starlets.

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Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe by Craig Alan

Some amazing portraits of of Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe by Craig Alan. He created these portraits by depicting tiny figures gathering together in the shape of the famous movie starlets.

Average: 5 (3 votes)

Beast Mode by Helmo

This is a very interesting series by French design duo HELMO (Thomas Couderc and Clément Vauchez) called Bêtes de Mode. Each photo in the series combines a person in a bluish hue and an animal in a redish hue in synchronous poses.This combination gives the images the look of a 3D image without the glasses. I'm not sure if the animals were chosen for each person for a reason, but when they look this cool, I'm not sure that it matters.

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Beast Mode by Helmo

Average: 5 (4 votes)

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