
Surreal Storytelling Portraits by Nicholas Scarpinato

Nicholas Scarpinato likes to take pictures that tell a story. Each piece begins with a single capture, but he uses the creative process to expand upon it and create these beautifully surreal scenes. Scarpinato describes his photos as "a secret that is waiting to be unearthed". If these are any clue, I hope he will uncover a lot more secrets for us.

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Bulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge Sofia

Bulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge SofiaBulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge SofiaBulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge SofiaBulgarian Designer Lyubomir Serge Sofia

Here are some very interesting and surreal works from Bulgarian artist Lyubomir Serge Sofia (I'm sorry if I am mis-representing this artist's name, but I'm getting the information from a translation of Serbian.) He creates some very stylized imagery which force you to come up with a story to match the picture. Any piece that can do that is well worth noting.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Story Book Artwork by Jeannette Woitzik

Jeannette Woitzik has a knack for whimsical photo manipulations and storytelling. In this one, Jeannette brings a story book tale to life, hopping right off the pages.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Boundary Painting by Chloe Early

Chloe Early skillfully mixes multiple elements in this painting to create an entirely new scene and meaning. Alone, these elements may not mean much, but taken together, they can tell an entire story. Check out more of Chloe's work here.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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