
Historical Figures in Modern Clothes by Yesterday

The history TV channel Yesterday commissioned these awesome portraits of historical figures in modern clothes to celebrate its new series the Secret Life Of... The artworks took three months to create and were made with the help of the award-winning academic author and historian Dr. Suzannah Lipscomb. She helped ensure the artworks accurately portrayed their historical counterparts. To read more about each piece, visit the Telegraph.

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Portraits Made from One Line by Chan Hwee Chong

If you ever lose faith in humanity's capacity for creativity and talent, just remember there are people like Chan Hwee Chong in the world. He was commissioned by Faber Castell to recreate famous paintings, and boy did he ever. Each of these portraits is created using just a single line that spirals outwards from the center. Amazing!

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Tilt-Shift Van Gogh by Serena Malyon

I know this series has made its run around the internet, but I'd still like to share it. This series was created by Serena Malyon, who took Vincent van Gogh paintings and used Photoshop to create the tilt-shift effect.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

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