
Making Sick Childrens' Dreams Come True. Drawing Hope by Shawn Van Daele

In one of the most inspiring series I've ever seen, artist Shawn Van Daele takes the drawings of sick children and turns them into magical fantasy worlds where that child's dream comes true. Daele has turned these drawing into books which encourages donors to contribute to the cause. Through his drawings, he hopes to show "anything is possible".

Average: 2.8 (12 votes)

Unbelievable Celebrity Graphite Portraits by Franco Clun

Franco Clun is the incredibly talented artist behind these photorealistic celebrity portraits. As hard it is to believe, Franco did not study art, everything he learned was from experience and reading books!

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Amazing Skull Optical Illusion Drawings

I present to you a huge compilation of optical illusion drawings. In each one lies a hidden skull. I love how the artist used a wide variety of scenes and the different shapes of the skulls. You can also check out more here.

P.S. Does anyone know who drew these?

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Masterful Ballpoint Pen Drawings by Samuel Silva (VianaArts)

When you see the image above, you might think, "Man, that's a beautiful photo." Unfortunately, you would be dead wrong. Fortunately, you would be right in thinking it is beautiful. It is a beautiful drawing. That's right, I said drawing.

Samuel Silva (VianaArts on Deviant Art) is the mastermind behind this, and a few other incredible drawings made entirely out of ballpoint pens. Another amazing fact: Silva is a lawyer by day and artist by hobby. He started drawing, sculpting and painting at 2 years old and has only recently tried to master the ballpoint pen. I think he's succeeded.

Here's an insightful FAQ from his "Redhead Girl" drawing:

Q:How many colors do you have and what pens are these?
A: I have 8 colored Bic ballpoint pens, for this I used 6 of them plus black. They are just common everyday ballpoint pens.

Q: Where do you get them? I have never seen them.
A: Staples, Ebay, Amazon, and pretty much any good office supply store, just because you haven't noticed them before doesn't mean they don't exist.

Q: Do you use any other medium mixed with the ballpoint pens?<
A: No, I just use ballpoint pens for these drawings. Everything is 100% ballpoint pen.

Q: How do you mix the colors? How do you blend them?
A: I don't mix them nor blend them. Ballpoint pen ink dries instantly and can not be erased. I just cross hatch the different colors in layers to create the illusion of blending and the illusion of colors I don't actually have.

Q: Are you a professional Artist? 
A: No, I'm just a lawyer, art is just a hobby for me, although it takes from 5 to 50 hours to finish each drawing. I started drawing when I was 2.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

Illustrations by Ross Mcewan

Ross Mcewan is an illustrator from London UK. His work combines beautiful illustrations of women with elements from nature.

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