
Dirty Car Art by Scott Wade

Scott Wade uses a wonderful combination of cars and dirt to create his work. He uses the rear window of cars as his canvas and re-creates everything from famous paintings to famous football stars. He creates each elaborate piece using an assortment of brushes and his hands. One painting can take anywhere from forty mintues to four hours. Each work is wiped clean by rain or the passing of time, allowing him to start anew.

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Breathtaking Pencil Portraits by Ken Lee

Ken Lee is a talented artist from the UK. He specializes in pencil drawings of beautiful women. Even though they are only drawings, you can just feel the emotions emanating from his subjects. Hopefully there is more great work in store from Ken!

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Dark Digital Drawings by Ryohei Hase

Ryohei Hase is a freelance illustrator from Tokyo, Japan. His art is dark, surreal and beautiful all at the same time.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

The Sickness of Reason by Robert Longo

Robert Longo's explosive paintings look like they could be old photographs. His shading and texturing create exceptional details that give his work an organic feel. Don't forget to check out the rest of his spectacular work.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Portraits Made from One Line by Chan Hwee Chong

If you ever lose faith in humanity's capacity for creativity and talent, just remember there are people like Chan Hwee Chong in the world. He was commissioned by Faber Castell to recreate famous paintings, and boy did he ever. Each of these portraits is created using just a single line that spirals outwards from the center. Amazing!

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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