
Cardboard Cities by Andy Rudak

Andy Rudak and his team took almost a year to research, plan, design and build amazing city shots made out of cardboard!

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Cities & Typography by Gokhun Guneyhan

This beautiful set combines Gokhun Guneyhan's beautiful photographs with thoughtful graphic/typography design. Each photo is adorned with a different typography style that really brings out the personality of the city/country. He uses them as covers for his photography sets, which you can check out here.

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City Illustrations by Patrick Vale

Patrick Vale is an artist and illustrator based at Big Orange Studio in London, UK. He uses various pens to create his drawings, which gives his pieces a nice pop. If you like, you can get a few of his prints at Big Cartel.

Also, enjoy this video of Patrick's Empire State of Pen:

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Photorealistic Paintings by Richard Estes

Richard Estes is an American artist best known for his photo-realist paintings. They often consist of clean inatimate scenes of cities. He is widely regarded as one of the founders of the photorealist movement of the 1960's. His paintings make you realize how even the mundane things in life can be quite beautiful.

Average: 3.7 (3 votes)

Breathtaking Cityscape Paintings by Evgeny Lushpin

If these beautiful paintings by Evgeny Lushpin don't make you want to travel the world, nothing will. His use of color and attention to detail create amazing moods in his paintings. If you like these, check out more great work on his portfolio.

Average: 5 (1 vote)

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