
Leaf Art Carvings

Here are some incredible examples of leaf art carvings. Each leaf is created in four phases: drying, curing, shaving and pressing, but it takes a total of about sixty steps from start to finish. Learn more about leaf art carvings at the Daily Mail.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Urban Mixed Media Art by Liz Brizzi

Liz Brizzi is an artist from France who grew up in Los Angeles. She pulls inspiration from the raw and desolate aspects of cities. 

"Her unique mixed media technique begins with the manipulation of her original photography collaged onto acrylic painted wood panels, finally blended within layers of colorful acrylic washes."

I love her compositions and great use of color. If you like her art, you can get some prints at Etsy or Society6.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Perspective Sculptures by James Hopkins

When somebody tells you art looks different from another perspective, they probably weren't talking about these sculptures by James Hopkins. He takes perspective artwork to a whole new level with these perspective sculptures of famous cartoon characters. At one angle, you might be wondering what in the world are you looking at, but at the proper angle it all comes together. Great work!

Average: 2 (3 votes)

Knitted Food by Ed Bing Lee

First we saw miniature food sculptures, then we saw landscapes made out of food, and now, we bring to you knitted food. Ed Bing Lee has clearly mastered the art of knitting amazing food items. Everything from a hamburger, to a pumpkin pie, to an ice cream sundae. Don't forget to check out some more of his great work on Fubiz.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Rolling through the Bay by Scott Weaver

This might just be the most ingenious sculpture ever created. Scott Weaver's Rolling through the Bay sculpture of San Francisco is not just a sculpture made of 100k toothpicks, it is also a kinetic sculpture that gives you multiple tours of San Francisco via different paths in the sculpure. Using ping pong balls as your tour guides, you can see various landmarks, neighbords, historic locations, and iconic symbols of the Bay Area.This amazing sculpture has taken over 3,000 hours in 35 years to create, and is still being built with toothpicks from around the world.

Watching this video is a must to understand the true awesomeness of his work.

Average: 1.8 (12 votes)

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