mixed media

Colorful Threads on Vintage Photos by Jose Romussi

There is something absolutely wonderful about this mixed media art by Jose Romussi. He weaves colorful threads into beautiful vintage photos of dancers to create some awesome pieces of art. You can check out some more cool and different styles of art by Jose on his Flickr page.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Urban Mixed Media Art by Liz Brizzi

Liz Brizzi is an artist from France who grew up in Los Angeles. She pulls inspiration from the raw and desolate aspects of cities. 

"Her unique mixed media technique begins with the manipulation of her original photography collaged onto acrylic painted wood panels, finally blended within layers of colorful acrylic washes."

I love her compositions and great use of color. If you like her art, you can get some prints at Etsy or Society6.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

Beautiful Mixed Media Collages by Katai Stienstra

What do you get when you mix beautiful women with cutouts from magazines? You get the wonderfully colorful and beautiful collages of Katai Stienstra. I love the unique patterns she incorporates into each piece. The use of nature in the backgrounds gives her art a feeling of serenity. Check out the rest of her collages here.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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