
Lunchbox Awesome by Heather Sitarzewski

Heather Sitarzewski makes these amazing lunches for her son and posts them on her Tumblr Lunchbox Awesome. Each one is in the shape of a famous character.

"I decided this past summer that I wanted to make a fun bento every day for my son's lunches this school year. I dug around online for a bit to see ideas and found some very fun sites that have recipes and tutorials for how to manipulate food into shapes and patterns that you don't envision initially when you think about it.

Day one I put together a cute, generic style bento. I knew immediately that I wanted to do Disney characters and other fun imagery. But little did I know, that crazy idea I had during the summer would be received so warmly with my Facebook friends. I started posting them daily there and got so many requests for a place to see them all at once. A book, a blog... a tumblog."

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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