
Sandra Foster's Tiny Victorian Cottage

Sandra Foster turned a small Catskills hunting cabin into a quaint Victorian cottage. It features vintage columns, flooring, and wavy glass windows. She also did her own carpentry. The very last photo shows the only entrance to the cottage, a stone crossing over a stream.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Mixed Media Collages by Marek Haiduk

Marek Haiduk's digital art collages are defined by a mixture of shapes and vintage photos. I love the way each piece has a unique feel and avoids a set pattern.

Average: 2.5 (4 votes)

Rainbow Photo Swirl by Peter Coffin

This is a really cool piece of artwork by Peter Coffin. It was created by stitching together multiple photos with rainbows in them to create a singular swirling rainbow. It's really cool looking at the individual photos and seeing how they fit into the tapestry of the larger design.

Average: 4 (1 vote)

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