
Beautiful Disney Oil Paintings by Heather Theurer

Gorgeous oil paintings of Disney princesses Merida, Mulan, Cinderella and Rapunzel! By Heather Theurer.

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Dark Disney Princesses by Herr Nilsson

Herr Nilsson imagined these evil versions of Disney princesses.

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Realistic Disney Girls by Jirka Väätäinen Part 2

Jirka Väätäinen has created a few more realistic Disney princesses since the last time we posted. Here are the new addition to the wildly popular series.

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Realistic Disney Girls by Jirka Väätäinen

Jirka Väätäinen gives us an impressive glimpse at what the girls of Disney might look like in real life. What started out as a personal project has turned into a wildly popular series.

Each piece is a mixture of features from different pictures all over the internet. He mixes, blends and combines them together in Photoshop to come up with the final picture.

If you like these, you should also check out the Historical Disney Princesses by Claire Hummel.

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)

Historical Disney Princesses by Claire Hummel

Love these illustrations by Claire Hummel (shoomlah on Deviant Art). Claire redrew Disney princesses to have more historically accurate attire. To see some of the resources she used for the dress designs, read her resource page. You can also read an FAQ about this series.

Average: 4.8 (4 votes)

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