Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

If someone showed you these pictures, would you believe they weren't photos? Well, they're not. They are ultra realistic paintings by New York based street artist Dan Witz. If you like them enough, you can go buy the prints. The amount of detail and realism that goes into each and every person is truly extraordinary.

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Realistic Mosh Pit Paintings by Dan Witz

Average: 5 (2 votes)

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